
متن ترجمه انگلیسی اعلامه حزب درباره خروج امریکا از برجام و پیامدهای آن

:Declaration of the Socialist Revolutionary party of Iran on

The withdrawal of the US government from the “nuclear deal or outcome ” and its consequences

As the long history of a ridiculous “pursuit” and “nuclear dispute” between the Islamic Republic and the United States and other Western governments has proved, the “agreement”, on the contrary, has led to many illusory assessments and policies by the majority of the left and right forces Pumping into the society did not result in the process of overthrowing the Islamic Republic, the “overthrow of sweet”, “weakening of the regime”, “collapse”, “human revolution” or “national revolution.” Now, with the departure of one of the world’s worst actors, the actor, “America and the Trump”, should not again allow this part of the opposition and other “party” analysts and bread to keep the community fresh in the mood for their poisonous illusions and expectations. This departure from the “cause” is undoubtedly not only a “nail on the coffin of the Islamic Republic”, but, on the contrary, if we fail and seriously fail to advance our independent liberal movement, it can help further the survival of that wild regimen and help the process of struggle Liberalism will damage again. In the absence of the formation of a powerful revolutionary and socialist alternative, the whole of this scenario and its consequences, as in the era before and after the “agreement on the outcome”, ends in favor of the Islamic Republic and other reactionary powers of capitalism, whether globally or regionally.

:In this regard, the revolutionary socialist party states

1-The working class and the libertarian people should not have any hope for the “overthrow and failure” of the Islamic Republic in the face of the withdrawal of the US government or other governments from the “agreement”. Any form of illusion, and waiting for the “angel of salvation” and “great devil”, or even any form of “overthrow” of the Islamic regime that is taking place from the channel of the plan and the military and civilian targets of the United States and the Western governments, is nothing but a victim And the failure and failure of our .movement and the people are not thirsty for freedom and liberation

2- We strongly condemn any form of economic sanctions against the Iranian society and not to defame and undermine the Islamic Republic, which evaluates the poverty and destruction of another generation of workers and deprived citizens. The policy of boycott and economic blockade of any society and country should be considered as a progressive thought as a deeply criminal act. The humanitarian policy of economic sanctions harms ordinary children and ordinary people before it damages certain institutions and bodies of the Islamic Republic, and makes the Islamic Republic more open to shaming from the burden of pressing current economic demands.
3. Any attempt to create a space for military development in the region, or direct and indirect military intervention against the Iranian society, and in this regard also efforts to create a “Sunni Soldier”, and to help and strengthen the forces of the “opposition” of the people And the Islamic, monarchist, and chauvinists of the United States and its allies in the region in a clear opposition to the interests, security and the process of the liberation struggle of the workers and the libertarian people for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic and the achievement of freedom, equality, prosperity and socialism.
The Islamic Republic and capitalism are horrific, therefore, they are always seeking their share and goals without such a process.

4. The withdrawal of Tramp and the United States of America from an agreement to do nothing in any way related to the overthrow of the Iranian society against the Islamic Republic. But this decision and politics will again be an excuse for the Islamic Republic to put an end to the Islamic Republic’s repression and once again an excuse for the Islamic Republic to put economic sanctions on the impoverishment of poverty and to lay the ground for armed and unarm
ed thugs. Buy yourself “legitimacy” in Iran and beyond.

5. We reaffirm that the government of the United States and other Western governments, as well as national and Islamic right forces, both inside and outside the country, are more dependent on the Islamic Republic itself than the deliberate and deliberate upsurge of the masses-workers, revolutionaries-socialists in society against The Islamic Republic and capitalism are horrific, therefore, they are always seeking their share and goals without such a process. They mobilize a part of a deceived, mercenary, unproductive and ignorant people under non-progressive and non-liberal flags, and they use them for more than their reactionary and inhumane goals.

6. The nineteenth-day struggle between the United States and the Islamic Republic is not in any way basic and strategic, and not even the current “disagreement” between the European states, with the decision of the US government and the Trump on the “end to end.” As we have witnessed such trends in different historical periods.

7. The continuation of military space and the war of propaganda that is basically behind the goals and the opposition of the two reactionary blocs-the global, the US and the Russian, are now in the region, and the lives of millions of people have been ruined, and in this regard, the mobster nationalism and Islamic Nyzrha and have organized, is essential to the creation of the international working class and civilized humanity in front of him to be taken before the criminals of the world and the region, the region and the world on fire and war And devastation and risks are much more serious.

They are on one of these reactionary fronts.
The party, the workers and all the fighters call for freedom and equality to their ranks and alliances around the flag and socialist goals!

Not to the Islamic Republic!
Not to the US government!
Not to economic sanctions!
No to the warring and military intervention of the criminal states!
Long live liberty, equality, socialism!

Socialist Revolutionary party of Iran

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