
The US government’s terrorist act against PKK leaders is condemned

The US government’s terrorist act against PKK leaders is condemned

Recently, during a trip by a US State Department official named “Matthew Palmer” to Turkey, the US government announced the “award” for information that has led to the arrest of three of the leaders of the pockets. The dirty deal with the Islamic State and the fascist government of Turkey is worth $ 12 million for information providers that identify the location or arrest of Murad Karayilan, Jamil Bayak, the Kalkan era, each of which is 5, 4, and 3 million respectively The dollar is set to be announced.

The current practice of the American government, although in the special circumstances of the period of competition with Russia and giving more concessions to Turkey, is taking place in the context of new developments in the region, but in essence the continuation of the US base-line policy in the hypocritical confrontation and the two state-run games of the state with regard to the phenomenon “Terrorism” and the reactionary governments of Iran and Iraq, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, etc., continue the policy of Ojlán’s kidnapping, and continue to use the “Kurds” as a tool and “warrior” and wherever they are in their favor, turning them into Part of your army in a war against rivals and in line with their reactionary policies. At the same time, the ruling body of the United States has always been the only “reactionary and bullying” “democratic-minded” government in opposition to resolving the Kurdish problem or defending the right to eliminate national oppression in the region, and has always come to the side of the repressive central government.

The event once again showed that the hope of hanging the bourgeois national movement and the Kurdish movement towards the United States was precisely the failure of the workers and women and the liberal citizens to speak the language and provide the poor benefits of the bourgeois nationalist Kurdish forces. Liberation policy to get rid of this turmoil, oppression and intimidation, the pursuit of politics and the united socialist struggle, the avoidance of the policies of traditional and nationalist parties either with the United States or other states of the region, the struggle with repressive governments, and the cutting of the hands of the hands. The poisoning of the US ruling coalition from the region and the fate of the Kurdish issue in the region is the only way to bring the humanitarian and libertarian future to the Kurdish issue.

All progressive forces and libertarian people, including the Kurdish citizens, are calling to fight all the power against the presence and destructive role of the US government alongside the united and liberal struggle of citizens against reactionary governments. It is essential that the forces that operate under the false “diplomatic relations” under the auspices of the US government or one of the suppressive governments of the region, as the actors of the failure and disappointment of the users of the issue of “national oppression” and “Kurdish issue” in favor of The capitalist class and their own bourgeois-nationalist movements in the Kurdish regions will be scandalized more and more.

We declare that: The profound political-intellectual flow of our socialist movement with the politics and performance of the pockets does not prevent our party’s deep hatred from this multi-faceted and terrorist US action against the three members of the PKK leadership. The Revolutionary Socialist Party of Iran strongly condemns this act and considers it an organized act of state terrorism by the American government and should be scandalized. We also strongly advocate ending our presence in projects under the leadership and direct role of the United States in the Syrian Kurdistan.

Secretariat of the Revolutionary Socialist Party of Iran
November 10, 2018

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